stepper motor shipping

Stepper motors are coming on the China-Europe train!

The “Dongguan Changping” China-Europe Express is launched!

At 16:30 on November 18, a railway container train with the words “Dongguan Changping” slowly left the Changsheng freight yard, marking the official launch of the China-Europe train with Dongguan Changping as its departure station.

The opening of the “Dongguan Changping” China-Europe Express is an important milestone in the construction of Dongguan’s transportation hub. It will provide more convenient channels for Dongguan manufacturing to “go out” and to “ship in”, and will surely lead Dongguan the high-quality development of foreign trade and economic cooperation.

Witnessed by the participants, the “Dongguan Changping” China-Europe train, which was loaded with electronic products, stepper motors, anti-epidemic supplies, furniture, hardware, and other goods worth more than 3 million US dollars, slowly departed from the Changping departure station and will pass through the Alashan Port. Departing, passing through Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Poland, and other countries, and finally arriving in Duisburg, Hamburg, Germany. It will only take 15days to arrive.

As a Dongguan stepper motor supplier, convenient transportation will give us more opportunities to serve customers. Our high-quality motors can quickly reach customers all over the world quickly.



The 23rd South China International Industrial Automation Exhibition (IAMD Shenzhen) was held in Shenzhen. In the exhibition, ICAN Tech displayed four series of featured products, hybrid servo, precision speed control series, brushless motor and stepper motor, which was appreciated by many industry insiders.

Hybrid servo systems, precision speed regulation series, brushless motor systems, and stepper motor systems are more and more widely used in industries such as glue dispensers, 3D printing, packing as well as CNC. The followings are the demonstration.

Closed-loop stepper                                                                                              High-precision speed-regulating motor control
1. Rich alarm and operation setting display                                                          1. The rich speed control functions
2. The input voltage reaches 80VAC                                                                       2. Speed can be displayed and turned easily
3. Built-in 1000-line photoelectric encoder                                                           3. RS-485 communication multi-axis control








Coreless motor and large inertia control                      Brushless motor constant torque control
1. Quickstart/brake, extremely fast response                          1. Wave-by-wave current limiting is used to get precise control
2. Energy efficiency is 30% higher than BLDC                         2.  Constant torque start mode, which can protect power
3. The running speed is more stable                                         3. Stall torque retention, which is widely used in drilling equipment, anti-pinch,                                                                                                       access control




brand story ican motor


20 years ago, as a civil servant, Julio Wang had a very stable life. But unwilling to be mediocre, he came to Guangdong to find some new chances. He came to a Japanese company, Dongguan Shinano, where he worked for 10years later.

There, he studies advanced Japanese management philosophy, quality control, mass production management. Then Julio Wang became the head of the quality department and was sent to work in Japan. He has always believed that quality is the life of an enterprise, especially for the industrial automation industry. This also strengthens Julio’s belief that to make products, we must make high-quality!

In 2009, Julio founded his own company ICAN Tech. He has always regarded Shinano motor as a benchmark, like a mountain peak to conquer. He wants to make even better products, so he founded his own brand “BEAK”—Beyond the Peak. He firmly believes that a company that puts quality first will become a century-old store.

ican motor brand beak

coreless motor driver


On April 16, 2015, Mr. Shiraki, the president of Japan’s M-LINK Motor Co., Ltd., came to Dongguan ICAN Tech. He checked the progress of the Coreless DC brushless drive project that had been carried out before and confirmed the samples.

The two parties confirmed the project had fully met the customer requirements and decided to start mass production. M-LINK placed an order for the first batch production of 1,000 pieces of brushless DC motor drives. This project is used in Japanese medical testing equipment and other industries. The motor is developed by M-LINK, and the motor driver is developed by ICAN Tech.

The success of this project indicates that the company has the ability to support high-end motors, and it also leads the company’s quality management to a higher level.